Work conflict - Definition, Types and Handling

Definition of Working Conflict
Conflicts usually arise within the organization as a result of problems - problems of communication, personal relationships, or organizational structure.
Conflict is all kinds of opposition or antagonistic interactions between two or more parties.Organizational conflict (organizational conflict) is the discrepancy between two or more members - or members of the group - a group of organizations that arise due to the fact that they have to share resources - resources are limited or activities - activities and work or due to the fact that they have different status, goals, values ​​or perceptions.Conflict is a disagreement between what is expected of a person against self, others, the organization with the reality of what he expected.
Causes - causes of conflict include:
A. Communications: misunderstandings with regard to the sentence, the language difficult to understand, or information that is ambiguous and incomplete, manager and individual style that is not consistent.2. Structure: the battle of power between departments with interests or scoring system to the contrary, competition for resources-limited resources, or two or more interdependent groups work activities to achieve their goals.3. Personal: discrepancy purpose or social value to the behavior of individual employees who played at their posts, and the difference in value - the value perception.

In organizational life, opinions about the conflict can be viewed from three perspectives, namely:
A. The traditional view, arguing that the conflict is something that is in want and danger for the life of the organization.2. View of behavior, thought the conflict was an event or events that are common in organizational life, which is useful (functional conflict) and can also be detrimental to the organization (dysfunctional conflict).3. The interaction view, argues that the conflict is an event that can not be avoided and is necessary for organizational leaders.

Based on the three views on the conflict, the leaders of organizations need to analyze the real conflict in the organization, whether it is functional or dysfunctional conflict and how conflict management in order to have a positive influence for the advancement of the organization.According to Stephen P. Robbins about the differences in the traditional and new views (interactionist view) about the conflict seen in table 2.1 below:Different views about the conflict of old and new
Old view:
A. Conflicts can be avoided2. Conflicts are caused by errors - errors in the design and management of organizational management or by vandals.3. Conflicts disturb and hinder the implementation of the optimal organization.4. Management task is to eliminate konfllik.5. Optimal implementation of the activities of organizations that require the elimination of conflict.
New view:
A. Conflict is inevitable2. Conflicts arise for many reasons, including organizational structure, different goals that can not be avoided, the differences in perceptions and values ​​- personal values ​​and so on.3. Conflict can help or hinder the implementation of the organization's activities in varying degrees.4. Management task is to manage the conflict and its resolution.5. Optimal implementation of the activities of organizations that require a moderate level of conflict.
From the above table it can be concluded that the conflict can difungsionalkan or play one (dysfunctional). In simple terms this means that the conflict has the potential for the development or implementation of a bully organization depends on how conflicts are managed.
Functional aspects of conflict include:
A. Managers found a way better use of funds.2. It unites the members of the organization.3. Managers may find performance improvement organization.4. Bring new life in terms of organizational goals and values.5. Replacement of the manager is more capable, vibrant and new bergagasan.

Forms Structural Conflict:
In the classical organization there are four structural areas where conflicts often arise:
A. Hierarchy of conflict, namely conflict amtara various levels of the organization. For example, the conflict between the chief commissioner, leader of the employee, the board of the cooperative members, board and management, and management with employees.2. Functional conflict, the conflict between the various functional departments of the organization. For example, the conflict between the production with marketing, public administration personnel.3. Line Staff conflict is the conflict between the leadership of the unit with his staff, especially staff related to the authority / authorities work. Example: staff employees are not fornal take excessive authority.4. Formal Informal conflict is a conflict between formal and informal organizations. Example: The leader of the wrong place at the organization's norms.

Kind - Type of Conflict:
There are five types of conflict in organizational life:
A. Conflict within the individual, which occurs when an individual faces uncertainty about the work he hoped to carry it out. When the various conflicting job demands, or when individuals are expected to do more than his ability.2. Conflicts between individuals within the same organization, where it is often caused by differences kepribadian.Konflik comes from a conflict between the roles (such as between managers and subordinates)3. Conflicts between individuals and groups, which relate to the way individuals respond to pressures for uniformity imposed by their working groups. For example, an individual may be punished or ostracized by his group for violating the norm - the norm group.4. Conflict between groups within the same organization, because of conflicts of interest between groups.5. Inter-organizational conflicts, which arise as a result of economic competition in the form of a country's economic system. This conflict has led to the emergence of new product development, technology, and services, lower prices and more efficient use of resources.

Causes of Conflict Occurrence of Work:
The causes of conflict in organizations, among others:
A. Coordination of work not done.2. Dependence in the performance of duties.3. Tasks that are not clear (no position description)4. Differences in employment authorization.5. Differences in the understanding of organizational goals.6. Differences in perception.7. Competence system incentives (reward)8. Motivational strategy is not appropriate.

Line and Staff Conflicts
Common forms of organizational conflict that often occurs is a conflict between members of the - line and staff members. Differences in the views of line and staff members that could lead to conflict between them, although the differences tersebuta can also increase the effectiveness of their duties:
A. Line view
The member lines of the staff members are often viewed in terms of:
A. Staff overstep its authority, because the line manager is the ultimate responsibility for the final result, they tend to reject rorongan staff and authorities.2. Staff did not give useful advice, the staff members are not involved in daily operations in the face by members of the line, so that his advice is often not applicable.3. Ride the success of line staff, the staff members are often closer to the top managers than those lines, so as to take advantage of their position.4. Staff have a narrow view, so as to have a limited view and are less able to formulate his advice on the need and overall organizational goals.

2. Staff views
The staff members have complaints about the members of the opposite line:
A. Less use of line staff. Line managers refused to help skilled staff, because they want to maintain their authority over subordinates or because they did not dare to openly admit that they need help. As a result of staff assistance was sought only when the situation really was critical.2. Rejected the idea of ​​lines - new ideas, usually the first staff member with an interest in using the innovation in their field of expertise. Line managers may resist such changes.3. Lines are too small to give authority to the staff. Staff members often feel that they have to resolve these problems the best in his specialty. Therefore, they were disappointed when the advice - his advice is not supported and implemented by line managers.

Several factors can lead to conflicts between the department and the people - the line and staff. Those factors include:
A. Differences in age and education, people - the staff are usually younger and more educated than those causing staff "generation gap".2. Differences in tasks, where people are more technical and generalist, specialist staff are. This can cause the following events: (1). Because the highly specialized staff, may use terms and language that does not understand the line. (2). People may feel that the line of specialist staff do not fully understand the issues lines and assume they can not or do diteraplan.3. Differences in attitudes, reflected in: (1). Staff tend to extend its authority and tend to give commands to the line to prove its existence. (2). Staff tend to be the most meritorious for the ideas implemented by the line, otherwise the line may not appreciate the role of staff in helping solving the problem - the problem is. (3). The staff always feel under any of the lines, on the other side of the line was always suspicious that the staff wanted to expand his power.4. Different positions. Top management may not clearly communicate the breadth of authority in relation to the line staff. Though the organization department of the staff in place relative to the high position near the top management. Department line with lower levels tend to not like it.
To eliminate these conflicts, management should clearly convey punsak delegation staff departments. More than that, to be effective, staff departments must realize that their job is "to sell, not to tell" means to "sell" to the line ministries of their ideas, not "tell" them how to perform the function.
After all specialist staff within the organization need to be added to help the working line to make it more effective. Besides the modern business world growing increasingly complex, and all managers will not master all the skills, knowledge and skills. Certain activities may not be efficient if done by the line, and so forth.
Conflict Management and Line Staff
Management writers have suggested various ways in which aspects of the role-one line and staff conflict can be reduced:
A. Line and staff responsibilities should be stated.In general, members of the line of responsibility for operational decisions of the organization, or in other words, they should be able to accept, modify, or reject the advice of experts. On the other hand, staff members should be free to give advice if they feel it is necessary not only when a member of the line asked.
2. Integrate the activities of line and staff.Staff suggestions would be more realistic when consulting with members of the line in the process of advice - their advice. Consulting staff - this line will also make the line members to implement the ideas of staff.
3. Teach line to use the staffLine managers will more effectively utilize the expertise of the staff if they know the specialist staff for their usefulness in the company.
4. Getting the staff accountable for resultsThe members of the line will be more willing to implement the suggestions of staff when the staff members responsible for the failures that occurred. This accountability will also make staff members more cautious in formulating their suggestions.
How to Cope with Job Conflict
Conflict management can be done by, among others:
A. Solving the problem (Problem Solving)2. High-level goal (Goal Lipsordinate)3. Expansion of the source (Ekspansion of Resources)4. Avoid conflict (avoidance)5. Smooth out conflicts (Smoothing)6. Orders of the authority (Authoritative Commands)7. The human variables change (altering the Human Variable)8. Change the structural variables (altering the Structural Variables)9. Identify a common enemy (Identifying a Common Enemy)
Posted by — Tuesday, June 26, 2012

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