Job characteristics models

In Simamora, (2004:129) model of job characteristics (Job characteristics models) is an approach to the enrichment, job retention (job enrichment). Enrichment program of work (job enrichment) attempted to design a job by helping the office holders to satisfy their needs for growth, recognition, and responsibility. Job enrichment, job satisfaction to the source added. This method of increasing responsibility, autonomy, and control. The addition of these elements to work is sometimes called vertical job loading (vertical job loading). Enrichment work (job enrichment) itself is one of the engineering design work, in Samuel, (2003:75) argued that the classical approach of the design work of Hackman and Oldham proposed (1980) known as the theory of job characteristics (job characteristics theory).

Sources: Jojo (2001: 359)According to the theory of characteristics of this work, a job can give birth three psychological states of an employee within the meaning of work experience, will assume responsibility for the work, and knowledge of the work. Finally, the three psychological conditions will affect the internal work motivation, quality performance, job satisfaction, absenteeism and employee turnover. Critical psychological states are influenced by the core dimensions of a work that consists of a diversity of skills, task identity, task significance, autonomy and task feedback.According to Jojo (2001:357) there are five traits that show intrinsic job satisfaction related to work for a variety of jobs. The fifth intrinsic characteristics are as follows.A. The diversity of skills (skill variety)The many skills necessary to do the job. More and more kinds of skills used, the less tedious work.2. The reality of the task (task identity)The degree to which the overall completion of the work can be seen the results and can be recognized as a result of one's performance. Task is perceived as part of a larger work and the perceived completeness does not constitute a separate cause of discontentment.3. An important task (task significance)The degree to which the work has a significant impact to the lives of others, whether the person is a co-worker in the same company or others in the neighborhood. If it is felt important and meaningful tasks by labor, then he is likely to have job satisfaction.4. AutonomyDegree holders the freedom of labor, which has a sense of independence and flexibility necessary to schedule the work and decide what procedures will be used to solve them. Work that gives freedom, independence and opportunity to take decisions more quickly will lead to job satisfaction.5. FeedbackThe performance level of work activity in obtaining information about the effectiveness of its activities. Giving feedback to help improve the level of job satisfaction.
Posted by — Tuesday, June 26, 2012

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