Definition, Indication, Impact of Turnover for the Company and the Calculation of Turnover

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Definition of Turnover Intentions
According Harninda (1999:27): "Turnover intentions is essentially the same as the desire to move employees from one workplace to another workplace." The opinion shows that the turnover intentions is the desire to move, not yet reached the stage of realization is to make the transition from one workplace to other workplaces. Harnoto (2002:2) states: "turnover intentions is the degree or intensity of the desire to get out of the company, many of the reasons that led to turnover intentions, and among these is the desire to get a better job." Opinion was also relatively similar to that opinion has been previously disclosed, that turnover intentions is essentially a desire to leave (exit) of the company.

TOLY (2001), states: "The high desire to move the staff accountant has given rise to the potential cost to the Public Accounting Firm (KAP)." This argument suggests that the turnover intensions is a form of employee willingness to move to another company. Handoko (2000:322) states: "The cycle (turnover) is a particular challenge for human resource development. Because these events can not be predicted, development activities should be prepared at any time substitute an outgoing employee. "On the other hand, in many real cases, the company's development program is very good actually increase turnover intentions.

Employee turnover or employee of the organization's turnover is an important phenomenon in organizational life. There are times when the employee turnover has a positive impact. But most of the turnover unfavorable influence on the organization, both in terms of cost and in terms of loss of time and opportunity to take advantage of opportunities in a broad sense, "turnover is defined as the flow of workers entering and leaving the company" (Ronodipuro and Husnan, 1995 : 34). While Mobley (1999: 13), megemukakan that general limitations on employee turnover are: "the cessation of the individual as a member of an organization with accompanying financial rewards by the organization concerned".
The occurrence indication Turnover IntentionsAccording Harnoto (2002:2): "Turnover intentions are characterized by a variety of matters relating to employee behavior, such as: increased attendance, getting lazy work, increasing the courage to violate labor discipline, the courage to oppose or protest to superiors, as well as seriousness to completing all the responsibilities of employees who are very different from the usual. "indications can be used as a reference for predicting turnover intentions of employees within a company.1. Increased absenteeismBerkinginan employees to change job, usually marked by the increasing attendance. The level of the employee's responsibility in this phase is less than before.2. Getting lazy to workBerkinginan employees to change job, it would be lazy to work because of the orientation of these employees are working in other places that are seen as more capable of fulfilling all the wishes of the employee concerned.3. Rather, they increase in labor violationsViolations of discipline in the work environment often do employees who will do the turnover. Employees are more likely to leave the workplace when the hours of work in progress, as well as various other forms of infringement.4. An increase in protest against the bossBerkinginan employees to change job, more often protested against the policies of the company to the boss. Protests that emphasized material usually associated with fringe benefits or other rules that do not agree with the wishes of employees.5. Positive behavior is very different from the usualUsually this applies to employees who are positive characteristics. These employees have a high responsibility for the tasks assigned, and if the positive behavior of employees is increasing much different than usual and it shows it will do the turnover of employees.
The impact of turnover for the organizationTurnover is an indication of the stability of the employee. The higher turnover means more frequent turnover. Of course this will hurt the company. Therefore, if an employee leaves the company will bring a variety of costs such as:a. The cost of employee withdrawal. Regarding the time and facilities to interview the employee selection process, the withdrawal and replacement study.b. Training costs. Regarding the superintendent, the personnel department and trained employees.c. What is spent for employees is smaller than that produced the new employee.d. The accident rate of new employees, usually tends to be high.e. The existence of the lost production during turnover.f. Production equipment that can not be used fully.g. A lot of waste because of the new employees.h. Need to work overtime, if not experience delivery delays.High turnover in an area within an organization, showed that the area in question needs to be improved working conditions or how to built it.
Calculation of TurnoverLevels of turnover intentions can be expressed by a variety of formulas.Generally, the rate of turnover intentions expressed in percentages covering a specified period. If a company has an average 800 workers per month, during which it occurs 16 times the employee exit (accession) and 24 times the removal (separation). Then the accession rate was 16/800 x 100% = 2%, while the separation rate is 24/800 x 100% = 3%. Thus the level of replacement (replacement) or the replacement rate is the same as the accession rate which is 2%. Because replacement (penggatian) or the replacement rate should always be balanced by the accession rate. This means that the discharge of an employee / employees for example, must be replaced with an employee / new hire as a replacement (replacement).Replacement rate is often called the net labor turnover, an emphasis on labor turnover costs to attract and train replacement employees.
Posted by — Thursday, July 12, 2012

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